
by dave childress
Work Hard, Give Back
Those hallowed words reverently dictate lessons we try to instill in our youngsters. One day we decided to get ‘all practical’ among our circle of friends who are also wading through similar waters.
Project time!
Let’s be clear, a big (huge?) part of this project was self-preservation (read: how are we going to make it to bath time?). As many of you can attest, inactivity is the leading indicator of epic meltdowns for kids between the ages of 2 and 4.
Our plan:
- Figure out a project to keep them busy
- Invite friends so we can share in the ‘joys’ of parenting (a.k.a. group therapy)
- Add beer/wine/cocktails (not for the kids of course, that would be irresponsible)
Here is how it went down:
We met a man along the way who had the ultimate perspective, let’s call him Atticus. He was someone who could benefit from random kindness BUT his empathy for those less fortunate than him was on full display.
No I’m doing fine. There are probably a lot more people out here that could use it more than I could. -Atticus
I gotta think that a 2-4 year old witnessing that first hand learned a few things about their own good fortune. For the time being, MAYBE they’re more focused on crushing a handful of chocolate muffins BUT with repetition comes assimilation (we hope).
A few more experiences just may expand their appreciation beyond delicious breakfast pastries.